About us…

Robert is a palmist and Tarot reader based in Brisbane Australia. Before the Corona virus, I read professionally at the Spiritual Realm Tea Rooms, in Woolongabba. I also did a weekly seminar on a different aspect of palm reading.

Palm Readings

My readings are founded on the traditional meanings and interpretations of hand shape, finger shape, palm features and of course the lines on the palm. I also consider the dermatoglyphics, or the skin ridge patterns on the finger tips and on the palm. I also work psychically to tune in to your auric field, allowing intuition to guide my interpretations, and assessment of what is most important for you in this moment. Palm readings are best suited to understanding the broad shape of life choices, character, career, love life, where strengths and weaknesses lie in character, where skills and interests can be profitably pursued, and where attention is needed in order to avoid health issues. They can assist in illuminating your way of giving and receiving love, the need for self expression, how security is experienced, and styles of communication.

Tarot Readings

My Tarot Readings are best suited to answering specific questions of concern in this moment, and can provide guidance in relation to decisions that need to be taken, or attitudes best adopted to deal with current situations. I believe that the guidance comes from the Spirit world, and I work with my own Spirit world connections, as well as making space for your own guides and connections to have their input. In a Tarot reading, I do my best to answer your question based on the cards that appear. It is my goal to be a clear channel and to convey to you as clearly as possible the advice from your Spirit World connection.