Redcliffe 22nd and 23rd of May
I am very excited to be reading at the Heal Yourself Expo at Redcliffe this weekend, 22nd and 23rd of May! I recently read at the Heal Yourself Expo in Toowoomba…what a lovely bunch of healers, mediums, psychics and purveyors of all things spiritual and witchy. I had a lovely weekend reading in Toowoomba. It was such an awesome energy there. So I am very excited to be back with the Heal Yourself crew again in Redcliffe! If you are up that way, do drop by for a reading, and to browse the wonderful offerings!
As a a special bonus to you, you can can get admission for two at the price of one – just print out this voucher and tell them that Robert W Reeves sent you!

Carrara Markets Saturday 29th May
If you can’t get to Redcliffe, I am planning to have my stall at the Carrara Markets on the Gold Coast again on Saturday 29th May. I already have a pre-booking locked in for that date, from someone who wasn’t able to get a reading at the lovely Mothers Day Psychic and Holistic Fair. It was a lovely weekend of reading, I felt so privileged and honoured to read for you all, and to be able to help you with your next steps. I am always deeply touched by your trust and receptiveness, and by your stories. It is so lovely to be able to hold that space for you. Give me a call on 0408 854 077 if you can’t find my stall!